Wednesday 27 January 2010

Researching Kickers

To help us fully understand Kickers as a brand and which direction they should go next, we researched the history/influences behind the brands iconic personality and current key lifestyle and fashion trends that could inspire Kickers next promotional strategy.

As well as research into music, film and architecture trends, we are now able to generate viable ideas to present to the fashion marketing group!
Hannah x

looove these!Kickers x Husam el Odeh

After searching through the emerging music trends for 2010 we came across Daisy Dares You the stylish 16 year old with a punky attitude. She cites her influences as Karen O and Kurt Cobain (style icons in their own right) Daisy is the perfect face for Kickers, young, fresh, fun and continuing the brands affiliation with music!

match made in heaven.

Manchester trio Delphic.

New Yorkers The Drums.

Ellie Goulding

Artists to watch out for in 2010!


Friday 22 January 2010

Kick that trend off ...

It seems a very long time ago since we set-up this blog and started our search for the wear yourselves out opinion former, after narrowing our choices down Fred was chosen (as you know) . His Kick-Hi boots arrived this week, the trend tracking finally begins ... watch this space and look out for Kickers on the street.

Charlie xxx

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Fred, Fred, Fred .....

As you know our opinion former has been chosen and here's the moodboard we created to show him off ... Fred Jezephy current trend stter For Wear Yourselves Out!!!!!

Charlie xx

Saturday 31 October 2009

Nottingham Street Style

Last week, we trawled the streets and shops of Nottingham looking for the fashion-savvy to photograph their style and find out their opinions on Kickers:
"I want some red patent ones"


"their nostalgia makes me smile"

"Bring them back!"

Ruth, Kitsch
Would you wear Kickers? Yes, I borrow my mums!

Darren, All Saints

Kickers are: school shoes, difficult to wear, girls could pull them off with leggings

Emil, Bench

Kickers are: school shoes

Favourite shoes: trainers, especially Converse, Vans and Nike 6.0's

Kickers are: school shoes, expensive as the rest of the high street has caught up and can offer similar styles at cheaper prices

Miranda, All Saints
Kickers are: school shoes, would be difficult to pull off

Patrick, American Apparel
Favourite brands: America, Vans & skater brands

Would you wear Kickers? No

Jack, COW
Would you wear Kickers? Yes


So, the general opinion of the fashionistas of Nottingham is that Kickers are school shoes, and difficult to wear.

Will we, and most importantly, our opinion former, be able change their minds? Watch this space...

Jordon xxx